Celtic Wildflowers
SMALL SCABIOUS Scabiosa columbaria
SMALL SCABIOUS Scabiosa columbaria
Clafrllys Bychan
Small Scabious is a small to medium sized stunning perennial, which produces pinky/purple pincushion type flowers. It likes full sun and well drained soils. It is a perfect addition for well drained planters and gravel gardens. It thrives in low-nutrient soils. This species is declining everywhere across its range.
Species of scabious were often used to treat Scabies.
Dead head the flowers to ensure a long continuous supply of flowers throughout the summer.
It is adored by bees and butterflies and due to it's lengthy flowering period, it provides a prolonged and regular food source for pollinators.
Height: 30cm
Flowers: June to October
Colour: Purple